
Local Citations

Local Citations

Do you see that most of the time when you Googled a local search term (such as “carpenter in los angeles”), you’ll notice that a Google Map appears alongside the search results, together with a list of carpentry businesses pinned on the map? This is what Local Citations intend to help you achieve — dominating the first page of Google by placing your business on the Google Maps, instead of the organic search ranking results.

Why rank on the map instead of organic results? Well, you’ll want to do this for 2 reasons. First, you rank on maps fast — much faster ranking for organic search ranking results. Second, pages listed on Google Maps are extremely difficult to outrank by organic search ranking results.

So, how do Local Citations help you get on the map? First of all, Local Citations help you to list your business name, address, and phone number (NAP) on highly authoritative business directories. Google crawls the web on a daily basis, and consolidates the instances that the NAP of your business are mentioned across the web. If you’re mentioned more times on authoritative business directories than your competitors, then very simply, you rank above them on the Maps.

The key of executing this strategy properly is the directories that you submit to. There is a saying that goes, “80% of your results are determined by 20% of your actions”. There are many business directories floating around on the Internet, but only 20% of them are authoritative enough to give you the 80% results you’re looking for. Identifying them takes a lot of time and effort and this is where our services come in handy. Through years of experience and experimentation, we have identified 20% of those highly influential business directories, and we’re now ready to offer them to our customers… YOU!

Disclaimer: This strategy works only for local SEO. If you’re trying to rank a page globally, forget about this strategy. Click on the Back button on your browser and try Link Pyramid instead.


$ 79
  • 40 Citations
  • White Hat SEO
  • Consistent NAP
  • Detailed Report
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Turn Around Time


$ 79
  • 40 Citations
  • White Hat SEO
  • Consistent NAP
  • Detailed Report
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Turn Around Time


$ 79
  • 40 Citations
  • White Hat SEO
  • Consistent NAP
  • Detailed Report
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Turn Around Time


$ 79
  • 40 Citations
  • White Hat SEO
  • Consistent NAP
  • Detailed Report
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Turn Around Time
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